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Here you can download technical materials and product brochures



IAQ Pro 5-Minute Mold Test Product Insert

The full Instructions-for-Use for the 5-Minute Mold Test that comes in every test kit. Contains detailed step-by-step procedures for proper use and interpretation of test results.



IAQ Pro Brochure

Illustrated flyer targeted to consumers that highlights the benefits of the 5-Minute Mold Test.



Healthful Home Test and Cleaner Brochure

Short glossy flyer targeted to consumers that highlights the benefits of both the 5-Minute Mold Test and Healthful Home Mold & Bacteria Cleaner/Disinfectant. May be utilized for re-sale purposes of Healthful Home products to prospective clients. Glossy copies can be obtained upon request contacting Alexter customer service.



Alexeter IAQ Pro – How Does It Work

Short educational presentation in PowerPoint format which illustrates the lateral-flow immunoassay technology employed in the 5-Minute Mold Test. Useful for clients who may desire further explanation of the test.



Sampling Swab PDF Doc

Detailed instructions for using the all-in-one collection swab included in every 5-Minute Mold Test kit.



Mold Test Strips – Specifications for stachybotrys

Summary of laboratory data obtained for the 5-Minute Mold Stachybotrys-specific lateral flow test. Includes details on sensitivity and specificity results, recommended storage conditions, etc.



Mold Test Strips – Specifications for Asp_Pen

Summary of laboratory data obtained for the 5-Minute Mold Aspergillus/Penicillium-specific lateral flow test. Includes details on sensitivity and specificity results, recommended storage conditions, etc.



Estimating Mold Spores by IAQ Pro Sample Value

Simple chart and data results derived from optical reader analysis of laboratory testing. Illustrates both the relative sensitivity of the Asp/Pen test for various species and does response.



mTrap White Paper

Technical review and discussion of mTrap data results by Dr. Ed Sobek, AssuredBio Labs.



SDS 5 Minute Mold Test

Safety Data Sheet for the 5-Minute Mold test.


SDS Mold Plus

Safety Data Sheet for the IAQ Pro Mold Plus



Inspector Client Agreement Template

Editable Inspector Client Agreement Template (WORD format)